

EFI is a private school registered in Cambodia and managed by a board of directors composed of 5 permanent members and 2 guests:

The school is run by Amaury de Saint Blanquat and Fabric Filachet is the Principal of EFI.

The board of directors

Amaury DE SAINT BLANQUAT - Administrateur de l'EFI / EFI Administrator

Amaury de Saint Blanquat


Antoine Fontaine‎

Independent administrator

Kek Pung

Independent administrator

Boun Tan

Independent administrator

Fabrice Filachet


EFI principal

Géraldine Barta


EFI’s parents



Parents committee

The role and responsibilities of the parents committee include:

  • Create a link between the parents, the school community and the EFI management
  • Promote the interests of EFI students and give regular feedback to the school’s management
  • Pass on information to parents
  • Contribute to the good governance of EFI and act as a link between the management bodies
  • Organize events to inform, meet or welcome new families to the school
  • Participate in major school events and propose new ones for the benefit of the school community